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Why I called my blog 'willbedoneonearth'

I signed up to write a blog 2 years ago.  I chose the name willbedoneonearth.  And two years later I have published my first post.  That it not unlike life in general, is it?  Desires float around and we get distracted, sometimes stressed out of our brains with other things or it just feels like it must be so hard to do and what will we write anyway and how will we find the time..etc...etc...

The phrase 'will be done on earth' comes from a larger phrase out of the prayer Jesus prayed when his followers asked him 'teach us to pray'.  It's sort of a template of how to pray. 

Oftentimes in the last couple of years I didn't know what to pray I just knew I needed a whole lot of help so I would recite this prayer some mornings in my study, my nook away from the world (for at least 5 minutes!).  The prayer is short, the prayer is sweet.  It covers all the bases.  It is like a springboard for more detail as you dialogue more with God about your personal life, your loved ones, the world, your purpose in life.  It is found in Matthew 6 v 9-13.

This is what the first half of the phrases in the prayer mean to me...

Our father- God is my father, the perfect, kind, loving, fair father.  He has compassion on me his child.  He actually likes me, he delights in me. He loves to hear from me.

Who art in heaven- God my father is in heaven, he is in the unseen realm.

Hallowed be your name- We reverence, we respect, we are in awe of him.

Your kingdom come- He has a kingdom.  It is perfection.  It is ruled over by Jesus.  We who know him will share in the rulership and the delights of the kingdom and perfected souls and bodies and minds.  The kingdom is tangible, with much more to enjoy than this current earth and with perfect peace, no pain, no violence, no hunger, no injustice.  All wounds will be healed- physical and emotional.  We who know him look forward to this kingdom, awaiting Jesus return.

Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven- In heaven what God says just happens- the angels and the other heavenly creatures do what is good and right.  Not so here on earth.  We can choose if we live like God would have us do each day- or not.  This section of the prayer I see as deliberately alligning myself and my will with his will, a conscious surrender.  And it's an expression of how we'd like the world to be a better place under his loving ways. What does his will on earth look like?
It looks a bit different for each person.  It could be...

Loving those in your life.
Doing good.
Caring for his creation.
Sharing his message of love.
How does that play out in your life?


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