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Dreams and plans

I believe God plants good desires, dreams and plans in our heart of what he would have us do or become or pursue.  

I was thinking about how different plans and dreams interconnect and influence each other- these are a couple of my thoughts...

A dream may be an enabler to many smaller dreams
This may be marriage to a certain person with certain similar interests or who would be a great supporter to your interests.
This could be the desire to live in a certain country, the fulfillment of which is connected to many other dreams such as mission in that culture, foods, scenery, social setting, work opportunities.
The enemy may try to attack the large dream that would be the support for the smaller dreams.
(Photo to the right shows a metal framework supporting the growth of the many flowering vines...picture taken at South bank, Brisbane.)
For example, you may not be able to do certain things if you are unsupported by your partner, or not to the fullest extent of what would have been possible.  
If you were unable to live in the country which enables all the other dreams well, then you may still be able to experience some of the culture, but only in cooking the cuisine at home, watching documentaries, maybe socializing with people of that ethnicity, and your work may still be achievable but not to the same degree of success.

A dream that in order to be achieved may require other smaller dreams for support.
The bigger dream could be to become a doctor.  In order to achieve that, you need to get certain grades at school, have supportive friends, likely a stable home environment, personal discipline habits, someone who sees your potential and believes in you and financial capacity.
Another bigger dream could be to become a evangelist, minister or preacher in a church.  You need the right support, the mentorship and accountability to overcome weaknesses, good mental and physical health, discipline in study and personal growth.
The more supporting factors that are weakened, the more difficult achieving the dream may become.
(Photo to the left shows a tree supported by small, but vital aerial roots... South bank, Brisbane)

This is why things that do not seem ‘spiritual’ and worthy of our attention and discipline may be far more important than we realize to the whole course of our lives.
We need to look at our dreams in the larger context to be intentionally protecting and pursuing them. 

What if you can already see that the enemy has played havoc with your dreams...
1.     Strengthen what remains
“    Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God…” Revelation 3.2

      What a hard hitting scripture. It is tempting to just throw everything in when a big dream has been destroyed, or to just settle for not having any dreams other than getting through day to day life.  But if we don’t put up our guard the enemy will strip us of everything we have left, he will plunder us even as we lay wounded.  Even if we feel we don’t have what God first intended, there are still gifts and blessings to guard and strengthen and even if we accepted less than God first intended for us, we must strengthen that which we have regardless.

2.     Ask God for new dreams, and pray over any desires you still have.

3.     Map out your dream you feel strongly about.
What other goals are required to achieve the dream?
What possible obstacles may you encounter?
How might you overcome these challenges?
What are your resources which may contribute to this goal?

4.     Find a mentor who is willing to walk with you through to the achievement and success of your dream.

God is with you- let past disappointments only fuel your strength and determination for new plans-be ever more vigilent with increasing awareness against the enemy's schemes- pray for discernment
Yet- God is able to work all things togethor for good for those who love him (Romans 8.28)- he is with us always- right till the end and then through eternity. Ultimatley everything works toward the greater goal of conforming us to the image of the Christ (Romans 8.29), even the experience and wreakage of dreams dashed...But his heart for you is also that "God may fulfil every good purpose of yours...(2 Thessalonians 1.11)"- he does want you to have the victory through him in your good purposes in his name!


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