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Storing up the word

I am so grateful for being taught to respect the written word of God and prioritize bible reading as a new Christian.  I am grateful for scripture memorization and the re-reading of the same sections of scripture over and over again.

The main reason for this is because I have a storehouse of scripture within that the Holy Spirit uses to remind me of what he wants to say to me.

Store up scripture like treasure.  Hoard it in your mind.

" up for yourselves treasures in heaven...
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6 v 20, 21

I know and I know that this verse is probably most directly and commonly applied to giving financially to kingdom work, such as missionaries or feeding the hungry.

I think I'm seeing it as any investment in our and others eternal destiny.  When we store up the word we are investing in our own and others spiritual health.  We can remind ourselves of Gods truth and others too.  We can encourage ourselves and one another with the words of scripture.  We can be ready to teach our children in the most spontaneous moments- because the word is in us, whereever we are...

We can store up many things in our minds.  We may store up facts that are very useful for an exam in a course of study,and then useful to help people in the job we get after that study is completed.  We may store up information about people we care about to be able to love them better or bless them with personal and thoughtful gifts.

Whatever we are storing up, just make sure we are storing up the treasure of the word.

I am grateful for what I already have stored up but I want to keep refreshing those stores and keep on adding to them.
