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Swimming against the current of regret

Regret is a strong current that threatens to pull us back.  This is the time I believe we have to swim forward even more furiously and determinedly.

I have recently been confronted with some of my life's biggest regrets.  What are some of the things that are helping me swim against the current?

1.  Thinking about the traditional midlife crisis- it seems common enough to have some sort of paralyzing self analysis at around this time in ones life-yes?  I am not too abnormal!

2.  Paul strove to forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead (Phil 3 v 13-14)- surely I should too?   

3.  God works all things together for the good of those who love him (Rom 8 v 28)

4.  The story of Joseph; the story of David; the story of my names sake, Naomi.  Stories of biblical characters have brought me so much hope in dark times.

5.  Realizing there are a whole lot of other beautiful people out there who have regrets too, and some of them more painful than mine.

6.  Knowing that I am so much more convinced of my fallibility as a person (in a good, humbled way- not the self hating depressive way, though I certainly struggle with that) and my total reliance on God’s grace for me through Jesus death and resurrection.

7.  God keeps giving me specific hope for my future- He is truly helping me to look forward- I can truly see his promise to prosper me is firm.  I can see that he is not dwelling on my past.
I am doing something new- do you not perceive it? (Is 43 v 19)

8.  I see God’s grace in that where I have made a mess, he helps me within that mess- he doesn’t stand back and make me clean it up myself.

9.  He promises he will bring me out of the mire and into new strength-
Those who hope in the Lord will gain new strength, they will soar on wings like eagles.. (Is 40 v 31)

10.  Finally, this is a strong anchor for me...I have the salvation of my soul in Jesus- full forgiveness- an eternity of peace and joy awaiting me- the biggest regret would be to have missed that offer of eternal life-

How about you?  What has helped you swim against the current of regret? I'd love to hear your thoughts...


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