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Like the morning mist

"I have swept away your offenses like a cloud,
your sins like the morning mist.
Return to me,
for I have redeemed you"

"Sing for joy, O heavens, for 
the Lord has done this;
sing aloud, O earth beneath.
Burst into song, you mountains,
you forests and all your trees,
for the Lord has redeemed
Jacob, and displays his glory in Israel"

Isaiah 44 v 22- 23

God comforts his people at the start of chapter 44 of Isaiah with a promise of restoration, 'I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants'.

Then the Lord speaks of his over whelming superiority- there is none like him..."there is no other Rock".

Have you ever had another rock besides God?  The Israelites had been guilty of this, of setting up 'idols' in Gods place- verse 9 to 20. 

I had not understood this sin when I first became a Christian, and now I feel like I have experience of what it is like to put an idol before God but still be worshiping God as well...I have been doing this for many years unknowingly, or justifying it with the reasoning of submission.  Unfortunately my husband became my idol and it melded with misunderstanding the concept of submission.  We went through some hard times and there were some decisions I was uncomfortable with but I went along with to submit, when I should have sought out Gods will first.  There were times through other Christians or dreams, I felt God was guiding me or warning me but instead of seeking the Lord on this I relied on my husbands opinion.

When idolatry was recognized I saw how I had robbed myself of experiencing the fullness of God's goodness to me he was relentlessly seeking to pour out on me.  The weight of recognizing that sin was mammoth, and could crush me...

Today I saw the above verse in a tweet on my twitter feed and I thought how God sees all those heavy sins as no match for the breeze of his grace- they are swept away like they are as light as a mist or cloud- 

There is nothing between us and God- what can separate us? Run to him- 
The earth is singing because of the wonder of what God has done in your life and his glory will be seen in you!


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