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God heals our wounds

I used to be a nurse. I have seen some wounds: ulcers, surgical incisions, and some deep and persistent, taking many months to achieve any healing.

There are different kinds of wounds, wounds of the heart. We can't see them and it's not clear what it's going to take to make them better.

There are so many types of these emotional traumas: bereavement, any life losses, harm from a relationship, abuse, or wounds to our own soul caused by our own sin or unwise actions, and more.
What happens to these wounds? We have no nurse to care for them, no medicine to make it feel better. We can, and do try to numb our own pain in different ways. But numb doesn't equal healing. It might make us unaware for awhile.

But there is someone who cares for our wounds, and that is our heavenly Father.
His nature is healer (Exodus 15 v 26).  And he is working to heal the wounds of our hearts. He is moving. Active. Willing. With compassion. It is more than a part of his plan to heal, it is an eager desire.

The scriptures say of God:
" He heals the brokenhearted...Psalm 137b

How does God do this healing work of our inner emotions? I can only reflect on what I know of Gods word and my own experience. And I believe God drew my mind to an analogy of a picture of a certain type of wound to reflect some concepts of the process. I'm sure it is going to speak to someone's heart.

I'll start this description by saying I'm sorry it's gross. Wounds are. They can leave you gagging. But they are attached to a person and that is what helps medical professionals to get over that! And possibly that they are getting paid.

When a wound is really deep, in order to heal well, the cavity is filled with various materials. When I was nursing, this was often a moist fabric packing. The top of a wound is often not allowed to heal first when the wound is deep, because that may prevent the deep healing from occurring.

So, to draw on the analogy, I believe this applies to our emotional wounds. Things don't always get sorted out in the manner we think- the outer pain when the wound brushes up against the clothing or gets bumped may occur for a long time- that is like certain things people are talking about in casual conversation are reminding us of our pain and we feel a sting. They may be talking about a wonderful, marvelous opportunity they took up that went so well and they were so blessed- maybe because they listened to Gods leading and were obedient in the very area you feel like you stuffed up!! Its called being brushed up the wrong could be just seeing something you lost reflected back to you visually, like any number of relationships functioning well around you with tenderness and affection, be it partnership, parental, friends. It could be the sight of innocent happy children playing and that reminds you of the childhood you missed out on. Eventually this pain fades. It just goes on for longer I believe because God is interested in deep and lasting healing. More problems could result if it was another way. Things like trust may need to be rebuilt. Our confidence in Gods care for us. Faith. Maybe it's depression that needs to lift to a manageable level first.

What is more, maybe we have more than one of these deep wounds. And God seems to be helping us with one but the other may seem unattended and throbbing like anything. What is going on? Maybe it's his compassion, because healing processes can be painful and confronting. He knows how much we can handle.

We wish so bad that the raw edges of our wounds were not so raw. Even so obvious to others. Maybe we ache for those raw edges to be fixed but God says 'not yet'.
But in the waiting I believe he gives us grace like a bandage or ointment to help the surface pain also, the raw edges,in the waiting time.

The second part of Psalm 137 says:
"...and binds up their wounds" (NIV). 

In the NLT 'binds up' is translated "he bandages". It's such an image of Gods tender care.  I'm not talking about the healing as such, but the soothing ointment or bandage.
His grace may come in the form of an understanding friend, a relaxing hobby, an antidepressant or herbal medicine, a cat to cuddle! I don't know but he knows us, he knows me, he knows you, and he knows what works.

What methods does he employ for healing the wound? So many, but all under his sovereignty, by his power, by many agents. Some aspects may be an outright obvious miracle, even a small change, but you can see it could have only happened by a miracle. Some aspects: words of kindness from a friend, the ability to let go and forgive, a gift, a change of perspective, a shift in circumstances, insight, new understanding, dream, a scripture we are prompted to speak out and claim, a prayer of faith. All is God. There are different treatments for each of us. Different stages and lengths of stages. Some simultaneously. His order. He knows the wound so well. Better than we do.

What can we do while all this is going on?
Believe he is a compassionate healer who loves you. Believe he is working, he is progressing you forward. Don't despair.
Watch for Gods healing work. Pray. Expect. Be aware and don't despair.

But don't stay numb. Don't deny the wound or treat yourself as if it's not there. In denial of our wounds we also don't rise up our faith and expectation for the healing and we may miss recognizing Gods many graces to us to help us.

Be kind to yourself. You have a wound. Some things in life will be tough, because that wound is there, and it's ok to recognize that.

It was Jesus compassion that preceeded healing. It was love that reached out. And that is his heart toward us. No matter how hard it seems- he is for you- and his heart is to bring true and lasting healing to your deepest hurts.


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