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Come and rest

Do you have a gift of encouragement?
A gift of bringing the word in an impacting way?
An art of kindness, especially toward children or vulnerable?

A friend of mine said to me recently, gifts need boundaries.  I am someone who picks up on emotional energy, such as positive or negative energy.  Negativity speaks to me from across a room, almost emanating from a person.  Positive people are like a glowing beam of light. Needs call out to me- and I want to pour myself into meeting them.

Did you know that something really positive like a gift of sensitivity can have a really negative effect on you unless it is adequately guarded with boundaries?
I suppose I would say I am a sensitive introvert.  It makes for a complex self care situation.
I had a 'learning week' last week in this area. 

My favorite bible study group is a place we sing songs, share the word, share our hearts,  tears and encourage one another, pray. It is also a place where I have been sharing a lot recently with the women of what God has given my heart. There is an incredible to and fro of spiritual energy among us as we respond to one another's lives ups and downs with encouragement and Gods word. The holy spirit truly moves, ebbs and flows among us, as common themes arise and expand and develop. Many women come in with heaviness of life and leave lighter and fuller of the truth of God, his love and comfort and joy. 

Yet after this wonderful morning in which I am both inwardly filled and poured out, I also experience this almost immediate physical and mental fatigue.

My desire is to go home sit down with a cup of tea all by myself for the two hours before the kids come home from school; perhaps reflect and soak up notes from my journal I took that morning, and just have stillness and rest alone with God.

Well last week was awesome and I thought I'd stay a little longer socializing had an appointment at the bank at 2pm.  I had this feeling it might be wise to call the bank and try and shift the appointment, but I reasoned it was now or never for these things with a busy schedule. Rest gone. And I tried to recapture some time but each day seemed to hold no rest as the week progressed until after an emotionally wounding conversation with hubby I just sobbed for quite awhile into the night. Rock bottom.

Jesus said to the disciples, 'come and rest' - not from mundane or physical or natural work- but from God's very important and life giving work.

"The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught.  Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, " Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." Mark 6 v 30 -31

And Jesus speaks to our hearts today still...'come with me' to a 'quiet place' and 'get some rest'.  We go with him and he with us to the place of rest.  He will guide us, to the time, the place, and the possibility.  Sometimes we don't feel it's possible to rest.  But Jesus can make a way.  He knows what brings us rest.  A few days ago, though so busy getting ready to move house and completing assignments, I felt strongly led to go to my pottery class.  I felt as I smoothed the clay with my hands, creating a tea cup, that the Lord was with me, giving me this time and stillness in the storm.  And when I came home after that I had a tremendous sense of peace and of having been 'filled'.

I have had to learn and the difficult way, and am continuing to learn how much I need these times 'outside' of ministry and responsibilities and even family responsibilities.  Jesus is leading us and guiding us- he cares about our entire welfare deeply.  I have found him willing to offer help and guidance in areas I have found surprising, areas I would have thought almost too insignificant for his touch or concern.  But there really isn't anything too insignificant for his care in our lives.  He asks us to bring our weary and burdened selves to him for rest (Matt 11 v 28).  He asks us to cast all our cares upon him, because he cares for us (1 Peter 5 v 7).


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