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Busy, but trusting

Sometimes it's so hard to know what to do each day.  I can be pacing back and forth between two different priorities, getting anxious.  In fact, I was doing that today.  I may give up a social opportunity because of busyness and then think later 'whoops' I really feel like I needed that now... And I am now contemplating that possibility.  I am sure that happens to many people- I'm not the only one who gets my head in a spin.  In that state, I can pray, but not be 'still' enough to hear what Jesus wants to say to my heart.  When we stop spinning around, he will guide us.  I am now more aware when I'm in that state, and tell myself 'be still', and try to get that stillness to re-calibrate.

At present, we have a moving date for two weeks time and have not yet secured a property.  My husband is sick with the flu in addition to his constant health concerns for which I am his carer.  We have packed only a few boxes. I have assignments I am working on 're submitting' that have been on extension from 2016.  But praise God! I know and I know and I know he is with me, with us.  He is my constant guide.  He is faithful.  Our faith in hard times is a testimony.  And I believe our choice to go to the rest places in the times we are guided to is a testimony of our trust in God.  He has our life in hand, he keeps the plates spinning, the clothes on our backs and the food in our bellies.

The question is, in whatever you are passing through, are you trusting him enough to keep seeking his kingdom and righteousness first?  Or have we justified seeking first our needs for a time because we feel overwhelmed and there seems to be no other way.  I know that seems like a harsh challenge- maybe.  But the scriptures say that he is the one who will 'add' to us these things (Matthew 6 v 28-34). We don't have to run after them, and the Father doesn't want us to.  It doesn't mean we don't need to work really hard or plan or have goals.  But when the worry is creeping in the trust is fleeing out the back door.  And we need to hold on to that trust, and push that worry out.  Seeking first his kingdom in these times, I believe, is looking for opportunities to proclaim your God's faithfulness in the hard time you are going through while you are still waiting for the relief and answers and provision.  Faith is demonstrated and proclaimed in the waiting.

In times of upheaval, join me and proclaim his faithfulness while you are still waiting for the fulfillment of his promises!


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