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A river in the wilderness

Isaiah 43. 18-21

Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past.
Behold I am doing something new,
Now it will spring forth
Will you not be aware of it?
I will even make a roadway in the wilderness,
Rivers in the desert.
The beasts of the field will glorify me,
The jackals and the ostriches,
Because I have given waters in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert
To give drink to My chosen people
The people I have formed for myself will declare my praise.

Some believers live in a wilderness place. Past hopes and dreams have been dashed. Because of unbelief at various times they have not walked in the fullness and richness of life that God had in store. Battles with sin and the devil have worn them down and they feel dry, discouraged, defeated.
But God knows and cares. He doesn't always lift them out and take them to a new life and new place. Sometimes that is necessary but these particular believers are to remain where they are...He is sending sustenance and refreshing to them in that place of dryness.

The creatures of the wilderness, those whom the wilderness is their natural habitat...those who have not yet ever experienced Gods goodness and grace will be able to be witness to Gods goodness and provision as he provides for his people who are in the wilderness.

As the rivers of renual flow to Gods people in the wilderness a witness is created, causing a turning to and praising of God by those who were by nature creatures of the wilderness. They are the onlookers.
Our life as a believer may have seemed as dry as the next person who dosn't know God and we have despaired at our witness. We know they see our dryness. But God will cause us in the wilderness to be a witness through his provision and refreshing to us. He is doing a new thing in the lives of those who have felt dry and discouraged. And they will praise him. A new song of joy will rise and overflow out of their hearts.
God is doing a new thing...

And because God is doing a new thing, a new thing that is wonderful right here, we are to focus our thoughts and energies here. Don't look to the past possibilities you missed that may have caused you to end up in this place. Something new. Not just something different. Something new replaces the old as the new covenant replaced the old because it was superior.
When God does a new thing it is superior to the old. Do not look to the past because this thing God is doing is superior to anything you missed.


  1. "When God does a new thing it is superior to the old."

    This phrase resonates and will stick with me a long time, methinks... Thank you.


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