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The energy of faith

What does a faithful Christian look like?  Are they always happy and energetic and smiling?

I had a disappointment when a something I thought was going to happen didn't.  How many of us have experienced this? We receive a promise from God and then something leads us to think its happening "this week" or 'this month', even 'this year'- all the signs are lining up- we get all exited.

WE might fast, and spend ourselves in prayer.  WE might tell our close friends.  WE might take some actions towards this thing coming to pass.  And it's all in the faith of expectation- because we believe God- that this thing is going to happen.

Then it doesn't happen when we think it would happen and we feel exhausted.  We feel silly, maybe bitter, that we 'spent ourselves' getting exited and laboring over this event or promise we thought was coming like 'now'.

Today I prayed God would give me his perspective on my disappointment.  I truly had exhausted myself in anticipation and felt a bit foolish and bitter. I'd also gotten sick with a cold in it all so was just feeling sorry for myself.

God gave me the idea to turn to Hebrews 11 and I opened my Passion Translation and my eyes fell on this verse-

"...He rewards the faith of those who give ALL their passion and strength into seeking Him"- Hebrews 11 v 6 (end of).

I knew God was telling me that he saw the fact I was willing to emotionally and physically exhaust myself seeking him and his promises was a sign of faith so I wasn't to see it as negative but NORMAL- FOR A PERSON OF FAITH.

I wrote in my journal..."A person of faith may frequently experience times where their strength is expended in seeking him- where their passion has been unleashed like a flood and subsequent need for periods of rest."

There may be waves of passion and strength expended, and ebbs of rest and restoration.  It is not necessarily the exhaustion of doing WORKS visible to others but seeking, (perhaps fasting), praying, anticipating, bursting with passion and excitement we can't contain or must contain, over anticipating what we do not necessarily know Gods timing for and each hopeful glimmer that doesn't come to fruition.

So what does a person look like who is giving all their passion and strength into seeking God?  They might not look fresh as a daisy and full of pep- but emotionally and physically depleted.  And we are not to feel BAD for this.  It's actually part of the cost of being a disciple- we are sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see- so we live our life for the unseen- and the God of the unseen who rewards our faith- it is SEEN BY HIM.


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