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Breakthrough is upon you!

My son has struggled with his health the last year and a half.  After many investigations it was revealed he had a parasite infestation- sounds terrible, right?  Apparently it's not uncommon for us to have some species in our system but most people don't get any symptoms.
My son's had a lot of nausea and fatigue and missed many days of school.  This year he missed almost the whole of the first term of grade 7.  It took awhile to go through the processes to confirm the parasites again this year and he's on his second lot of antibiotics. 

So it was the second lot of antibiotic, we ran out of supply and missed the closing time at our country pharmacy. He missed almost two days.  If you know antibiotics you need to keep them up regularly to be effective.

I was in the pharmacy this morning- I was rushed, tired and not feeling fantastic emotionally after a disturbed sleep.  The pharmacist or assistant tells me that sorry there's no repeats on the script.  I say that doesn't seem right as there isn't enough to do the course properly.  She says sorry, you'll have to make a doctors appointment.  I say can you please phone the doctor and get a phone order because my doctor takes weeks to get into see at the moment.

I am standing there and I start getting really frustrated at life.  In those moments when I was hearing about delays and appointments and antibiotic schedules messed up (potential more school "weeks" missed to sickness) was soul was just downcast.  We have had so many delays and frustrations in so many areas of life this past two years.

I got stuck in the gloom.  But I did stay there and stand fast.  I could have walked out.

The next moment the girl comes up to me and she has the script.  And she says it's OK it says there's no repeats but the single prescription included 3 bottles of the antibiotic (of which we had only received one).  Suddenly she brings back two bottles.  I say do I need to pay for these.  She says no- they are paid for (probably by my husband who got the first bottle and may not have realized or told me!).

OK- so I sharing this anecdote for a reason- the following is what occurred to me as a prophetic picture as I was relaying this to my husband this afternoon-

One moment things were looking WORSE THAN EVER.  THE NEWS WAS GRIM.  GRIM PREDICTIONS WERE CONFRONTING ME.  But they were just that- grim predictions- threats of WORSENING- threats of things GETTING HARDER- things being more prolonged.....
and a moments later....BREAKTHROUGH.

Simple.  Instant provision.  Worries gone.  Paid for.  IT'S NOT GRIM.

I felt God was saying to me about the circumstances on our mind and heart- stand and wait- it looks like you have to do more- go through more- travail more- more anguish- more pain- more waiting- more arduousness.  But stand your ground and wait for your 'suddenly' moment.  Don't listen to the grim predictions.

One minute the script said one thing and the next minute it said something else (from the readers perspective).  But perspective changed...

I feel the Lord also showed me another analogy this afternoon- one of childbirth.  He showed me the enemy is attempting to stir up trauma- fear of more trauma and more "painful labor".  But the pain is really only a potential in the fear he's attempting to cause (if we yield to it)...IF you know anything about childbirth, when the baby's head emerges usually the most difficult part is over (with some exceptions).  I feel like God was saying the 'head is out'- the baby is then fully born- usually very quickly and then the wonderful moment of meeting your baby.

I really felt this was a personal word to me and my family today that relief is coming- answers to prayer- relief of trouble and needs and promises fulfilled.  Relief of unrest and delay.  And I feel God was communicating an enemy strategy right now to try and put us off and get us to perhaps give up contending for what he's promised.

Do you feel like you're at such a point where things just seem crazy and there are threats and fears of things worsening- it may be an illusion sent by the enemy to put you off- ask the Lord if this word is also for you- and stand your ground and see the deliverance of the Lord!


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