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'ANOINTING' sets the stage for 'APPOINTING"

Joseph had served time in the darkness, his gifts operating quietly...Then suddenly he was interpreting the personal dreams of the Pharoah and giving instructions on saving Egypt from famine. Before Josephs promotion the bible in Genesis 41.37 says "Josephs suggestions were well recieved". And Pharoah remarks to his officials "Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God?" (Genesis 41.38).

This interaction and display of wisdom impressed the officials of Pharaoh and Pharaoh himself. It marked the start of his promotion from 'prisoner' to second in command of the entire land. The anointing of God was recognized.

Display of ANOINTING sets the STAGE  for the APPOINTING.

As God sets the stage for someones appointment to a position in his will, he makes the suitability apparent to those in power to appoint WITH EVIDENCE of an anointing from God apon the person for the task.

Joseph STEPPED INTO the anointing IN FAITH without awareness of a position offer around the corner or seeking a position. Stepping out in faith, in obedience to an 'anointed spirit led task' may be leading you to a spiritual promotion.

Second if you are in a position to appoint someone to a position, is the anointing of God clearly on them? Ask the Lord to see the sign of ANOINTING before you begin APPOINTING!!!!

Remember display of ANOINTING sets the STAGE for APPOINTING!!!!

(For further reading on this topic see 'the appointment of Stephen' recorded in Acts 6. 1-6)


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