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A doorkeeper in the house of God

Why I love being up the back at church...

You see the needs- children- people who got upset by something and are leaving- you might be able to chase them out the door and talk to them. Are you more concerned with the 99 or finding the one (Matt 18.12)?

An elderly person struggling to open a door and you are ready. Ready to smile and welcome someone who is late and needs to feel grace- ready to sit with the newcomer who won't join in 'the midst'. I love being able to see Gods people while I worship. It can be a place of service as opposed to the slackness that 'might' be associated with the 'back seat'. And it can be a place of humility as oppossed to a 'prideful indifference' that might be associated with not being in the 'main seats' in the congregation.

"I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God...(Ps 84.10)" David says in Psalm  concerning that he would rather be in the lowest place than be in evil- a humble place, the lowest place. The lowest place is often where the needs and the needy are- children, physically sick or infirm, the shy, the curious, the seekers.

I want to see more Christians up the back, on the couch - who are interested in the needs of the children, the babies, the latecomers, the newcomers, the not-at-all comers. I will be concerned if there is noone interested in being up the back.
What a great place to see who is or isn't at church and whisper a prayer before everyone leaves.
Did you notice what God noticed this morning? Let's notice more of what God noticed...

Jesus is in the front and he is up the back. Jesus is at the front teaching and he is at the back ministering, noticing, watching, responding.
You may be able to 'notice' from the front if you are facing the congregation in a worship or leadership role but not be as free or natural to quickly respond.
Did you see who was happy and who was sad? Did you see. Did you see.
What did you see when you came to church?

I like the idea of sitting in the middle or the front and I'm not against the idea. I may do that at one time or another or in a new season...but my desire to be a doorkeeper is very strong. Some of my most joyful experiences of serving at church have been in the 'service time'- opening the door for someone or helping a child or just smiling a welcome as someone slips in late.
It's a place of keeping watch over the flock.
What is Gods heart? He wants us to ask ourselves and him this very question. We must get away from outward appearances and pray for God's eyes to see the heart (1 Sam 16.7)- look for the heart- each other's hearts...


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