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Psalm 62

Psalm 62 v 1-4 (Passion Translation)
To the Pure and Shining One
King David's melody of love's celebration

"I stand silently to listen for the one I love, waiting as long as it takes for the Lord to rescue me.  For God alone has become my Savior. 
He alone is my safe place; his wrap-around presence always protects me.  For he is my champion defender; there's no risk of failure with God.  So why would I let worry paralyze me, even when troubles multiply around me?
But look at those who want me dead, shouting their vicious threats at me!  The moment they discover my weakness they all begin plotting to take me down.
Liars, hypocrites, with nothing good to say.  All of their energies are spent on moving me from this exalted place."

David is in an interesting position.  He stands serenely waiting for Gods help, for which he is fully confident.  The visual image is that he is wrapped in protection, and that is Gods very presence.
God's presence is his safe place.  

From this place of security however, enemies are shouting at him.  They discover his weaknesses and then plot schemes against him.

But somehow he remains in this place of security with God while all this is going on.

I was pondering what could be the 'exalted place' mentioned that the enemies are trying to move him from.  In fact they are spending all their energy on that goal.

The Lord showed me that the exalted place was both the presence of God and also the position of authority God had given.  And this is to speak to our lives as Christ followers, that top objectives of our enemy, the devil, are to move us out of remaining in the presence of God and our authority in Christ.

Firstly, by Gods presence- that means being in a place where we are aligned with Gods thoughts in his word, the bible. We are dwelling in the place of peace and the flow of the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self control.  We are handing our concerns over to him because we know he cares.  We are in the place of thankfulness and praise. Our mind is set on things in the heavenly realms.

Our enemy wants to get us out of this safe place, this exalted place of privilege, by getting us wrapped up in stress instead of the presence of God.  He wants us to soak ourselves in the bitterness of complaining.  He wants to block our flow in the good things of God and have us let rip on all our feelings and actions that are 'just natural' we might say.

Secondly, the position of authority we have been given.  The bible says in the spiritual realm we are actually on the throne seated with Jesus (Ephesians 2 v 6-7). We have authority to use Jesus name.  Being in a place of privilege, the things we are given in life to care for we rule over in good and loving and just way. This may be children, our house, our work position, business, volunteering, advocating for someone, sharing Christ's message, even looking after our own health.  When problems come, we rule, we advance, we decide.  We are courageous, because we were given this position by God.  We fight fear and we fight discouragement.  We are fighting for the ones we love and for causes that count.

I would encourage you to keep in the presence and keep exercising your authority confidently in every area of life you are involved in, everywhere you have been given charge to reign.  Hold onto those things, aware that there is a battle.  It really helps to know which battles we are meant to be fighting.  "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood..."(see Ephesians 6 v 12).  While people can be a part of the influencing factor to get us out of Gods presence and try to get us to give up our authority, ultimately, behind that is the unseen spiritual battle.

Stay in the beautiful 'wrap around presence of God', that exalted place of privilege.


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