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Make way for the Glory

"When the priests withdrew from the Holy Place, the cloud filled the temple of the Lord.  And the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled his temple" 1 Kings 8 v 10-11

This is an amazing scene.  Solomon has finished building the temple and instructs the ark to be brought up.  All the people are gathered.  And God comes and fills the temple with his presence.

Last month I had a vivid dream about our church service being interrupted by the power and glory of God.  I looked out and suddenly the chairs were cleared- everything was 'out of place'.  Someone helped me find my place in the order of service 'script' as I was worship leading.  Someone called out 'can we have the chairs back?'.  When I went out to the bathroom a door was hanging off it's hinge as though 'the place had been shaken'.  (This reminded me of the place in Acts 4: 31 where it says "After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken...").  It happened suddenly and it's was initiated by God.  I felt it was important for our particular congregation in the dream, for us to continue on with the service and bring order back after the time had clearly finished.  It was like the glory of God had come like a wind and swept through.

I was praying yesterday morning, giving my concerns over to the Lord and I asked him for 'something', some help.  Interestingly he gave me the reference of 1 Kings 8 in my mind to look up which I was fairly sure wouldn't have to do with what I was praying about.

As I read the chapter the above verses stood out to me and I knew that was what God wanted to show me.  Even with the 'very structure of service' God had ordained for the priests, even commanded, he interrupted that work with his glory.  His presence took precedence even over performing the duties of the law.  In fact the glory of God was so heavily manifest they 'could not...'. It was confirmation to me that we must be willing and ready to submit all the good and Godly intentions we have to make room for his glory.  That we are willing and ready for him to interrupt on his terms and timing and say 'yes Lord'- that his glory takes precedence.

Make room for the King.  Let his glory reign.


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