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Showing posts from May, 2018

Breakthrough is upon you!

My son has struggled with his health the last year and a half.  After many investigations it was revealed he had a parasite infestation- sounds terrible, right?  Apparently it's not uncommon for us to have some species in our system but most people don't get any symptoms. My son's had a lot of nausea and fatigue and missed many days of school.  This year he missed almost the whole of the first term of grade 7.  It took awhile to go through the processes to confirm the parasites again this year and he's on his second lot of antibiotics.  So it was the second lot of antibiotic, we ran out of supply and missed the closing time at our country pharmacy. He missed almost two days.  If you know antibiotics you need to keep them up regularly to be effective. I was in the pharmacy this morning- I was rushed, tired and not feeling fantastic emotionally after a disturbed sleep.  The pharmacist or assistant tells me that sorry there's no repeats on the script.  I say that

The energy of faith

What does a faithful Christian look like?  Are they always happy and energetic and smiling? I had a disappointment when a something I thought was going to happen didn't.  How many of us have experienced this? We receive a promise from God and then something leads us to think its happening "this week" or 'this month', even 'this year'- all the signs are lining up- we get all exited. WE might fast, and spend ourselves in prayer.  WE might tell our close friends.  WE might take some actions towards this thing coming to pass.  And it's all in the faith of expectation- because we believe God- that this thing is going to happen. Then it doesn't happen when we think it would happen and we feel exhausted.  We feel silly, maybe bitter, that we 'spent ourselves' getting exited and laboring over this event or promise we thought was coming like 'now'. Today I prayed God would give me his perspective on my disappointment.  I truly had e

Enemies made a footstool

I was in my study early spending time with the Lord this morning and I was distracted by the draft from the door to the study that led outside. I was thinking about how my husband had said I might want to get one of those draft blocking 'snakes' for the winter chill coming under the door.  Even though I was risking getting sidetracked, I wrote in the notes section of my phone- 'Pay Day'- 'Door snake used to keep cold air out' (as in, when I go shopping- remember to buy one of those door snakes- not the conventional term for that item I'm pretty sure). As soon as I wrote these words I was hit with a 'suddenly' moment I believe from God's spirit on a 'wordplay' on what I had written.  And the following is what came to me and the thoughts that followed from there... Pay day usually means the time we are paid income to our bank account, but this wording was now resounding to me as 'pay day' like divine retribution.  Divine retrib