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Showing posts from January, 2018


Joseph had a hard time then finally his time of blessing came. He came to power, saw seven years of abundant crops and stored away plenty of food for the famine years. He was in a position to rule and save lives. In the seven years of amazing harvest Joseph had personal blessing of two sons born (Genesis 41. 47-52) The first he named 'Manasseh' saying "God has made me forget all my troubles and everyone in my fathers family" (Genesis 41.51). (Manasseh- causing to forget, footnote, NLT). He embraced FORGETFULNESS. There are blessings given to us to help us forget about our painful past. He cares about the effect the memory of a painful past has on us and wants to help us forget the past with FRESH JOY in the present! Ephraim his second son was named by reason of "God has made me fruitful in this land of my grief"(Genesis 41.52). Make no mistake, despite things getting better and the assurance of God's plan and purpose he still refered to Egypt a

'ANOINTING' sets the stage for 'APPOINTING"

Joseph had served time in the darkness, his gifts operating quietly...Then suddenly he was interpreting the personal dreams of the Pharoah and giving instructions on saving Egypt from famine. Before Josephs promotion the bible in Genesis 41.37 says "Josephs suggestions were well recieved". And Pharoah remarks to his officials "Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God?" (Genesis 41.38). This interaction and display of wisdom impressed the officials of Pharaoh and Pharaoh himself. It marked the start of his promotion from 'prisoner' to second in command of the entire land. The anointing of God was recognized. Display of ANOINTING sets the STAGE  for the APPOINTING. As God sets the stage for someones appointment to a position in his will, he makes the suitability apparent to those in power to appoint WITH EVIDENCE of an anointing from God apon the person for the task. Joseph STEPPED INTO the anointing IN FAITH without

A doorkeeper in the house of God

Why I love being up the back at church... You see the needs- children- people who got upset by something and are leaving- you might be able to chase them out the door and talk to them. Are you more concerned with the 99 or finding the one (Matt 18.12)? An elderly person struggling to open a door and you are ready. Ready to smile and welcome someone who is late and needs to feel grace- ready to sit with the newcomer who won't join in 'the midst'. I love being able to see Gods people while I worship. It can be a place of service as opposed to the slackness that 'might' be associated with the 'back seat'. And it can be a place of humility as oppossed to a 'prideful indifference' that might be associated with not being in the 'main seats' in the congregation. "I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God...(Ps 84.10)" David says in Psalm  concerning that he would rather be in the lowest place than be in evil- a humble place,