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The difference between faith and optimism

Faith is based on what God can do- it's not dependent on human experience- not based on human ability- not based on human qualifications.

Optimism is based on the human ability to pull through, to have enough resources to make it through. It's based on experience of making it through enough to be pretty sure things tend to go well most of the time.  The old Aussie saying we know and love.."she'll be right, mate"...Optimism is hard to scrape up when your experiences have been full of disappointment in the resources of others and your own- failing- not measuring up- there not being enough- people not coming through- not being able to come through for others.

Some people are very optimistic and positive and we may assume that equates with faith but not necessarily.

Look for those with the gift of faith to share your dreams with!!!! Protect the dreams of your heart by sharing with those who will see with the eyes of faith.  Faith sees the calling of the Lord.  Faith looks for and sees the provision of the Lord. Faith looks for and sees the strength of God.  Faith is based in God's power....
Human plans.  Human gathering of resources, based on man's strength and capability.

Refuse to operate from a spirit of optimism.

I am not naturally optimistic.  If you are not also you may be at an advantage because you have to lean on faith more quickly!!!. 

Faith is more vulnerable than optimism because it is being certain of what is not seen- the capability and resources and capacity that is not there!!! But the amazing God who is!!!! Faith in the face of nothing in terms of human resources believes for everything and more.  Optimism may believe 80 can stretch to 100, but faith believes -100 can become +100. 

Beware of rushing ahead in plans arising from popular human expectation to achieve your dreams.  Receiving such expectations can squelch our faith.  Faith may be cast as a naive 'side point' amidst the 'real human action'. Don't let your faith be trampled on by someone else as naive wishing!!!

Protect your dreams- prayerfully seek who to confide in- and when- and look beyond the happy and optimistic appearances for those 'full of faith'!!!


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