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There are different types of deliverance for which we praise God for the victory.  The deliverance from sin and darkness to salvation.  The deliverance from a specific situation, or sickness or oppression.  There is another type of oppression from which we need deliverance and the clue in in the line of the song, 'No longer slaves- Bethel music, u tube: ‘We have been liberated from our bondage to sin- let us sing our freedom’. 
When we have been liberated from our bondage to sin- Paul says stand firm and do not let yourselves AGAIN be bonded with a YOKE OF SLAVERY!  He appeals to them, he urges them.
“So Christ has truly set us free.  Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law” (Galatians 5:1) Freedom is a gift. We can use our freedom to serve one another in love..and try to not allow our freedom to serve our sinful nature…
We might have a tendancy to allow ourselves to take on a yoke others set upon us.  Maybe we pick up a heavy yoke of our own expectations of ourselves- I know I do. Or maybe we are the one who has to resist applying the yoke to others of our expectations.

What is the yoke is slavery? Our own rules and guidelines and personal laws we set upon ourselves or others taking the place of the freedom of the spirit.


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