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Rebel thoughts

Rebel thoughts are thoughts that set themselves up against the knowledge of God.  We don't want them but sometimes we accept them as innocent unknowingly.  These thoughts can be sneaky so we need to identify them to be able to take them down.  When I say take down, I mean wrestle down to the ground in submission...demolish...

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" 2 Corinthians 10 v 5

What is the knowledge we have of God?

His attributes
His character
His promises
All God is for me in Christ Jesus.

Which of my thoughts are setting themselves up against the knowledge of God?  The devil will be encouraging these thoughts.  The fruit of such thoughts will be the opposite of what God gives; joy, peace, hope.  So what thoughts are causing depression, anxiety/restlessness and hopelessness?

These are some of my recent rebel thoughts and how I'm planning to deal with them:

"I am not very organised or good at shopping and cooking and cleaning.  I don't enjoy these things. I'm not naturally a domestic person.  Someone else would be better equip for my role being married to a husband struggling with health issues."

God knows my weaknesses.  He knows I find all this domestic stuff to be blah.  He has promised to be with me and help me.  He comforts and strengthens me.  He is compassionate.  I know his goodness and mercy follows me (Ps 23 v 6), therefore I will see evidence of his help.  Trials are promised and so are blessings- life has both.  His grace is sufficient for me - his power is made perfect in my weakness- this weakness can be an opportunity for God's power to be evident (2 Cor 12 v 9).

"We always make poor financial choices.  We are not moving forward."

We are learning many financial lessons.  We are learning to be good stewards.  There is hope, because God is teaching us- he promised not to leave us as orphans- he disciplines his children (John 14 v 18; Heb 12 v 6).  We are 'pressing on' (Phil 3 v 14) and therefore we are moving forward toward heaven.  Philippians 1 v 6 says that "..he who began a good work in you (us) will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus"

"I have not achieved very much in the past 10 years, so I will not have much credibility as a speaker."

My God will fulfill his purpose for me (Ps 138 v 8).  It is not what I have achieved, but what God has achieved in me.  Despite outward achievement, he is always working inwardly to conform me to Christs image- he causes all things to work together for this good purpose (Rom 8 v 28-29). 

If God wants me to do a certain task, he will raise me up for that task, regardless of my resume of accomplishments (It is ultimately his power and purpose at work through us- see Exodus 3 v 8- 12: notice that God says "I have come down to rescue them..(not Moses who does the rescuing per say).  Also see how when Moses says "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelite's out of Egypt?", God doesn't tell Moses how awesome Moses is in response,he doesn't seem to consider that a relevant question...God's answer to that question is, "I will be with you...".  In other words, we ask "who am I to do this that or the other?", "I don't seem qualified", but God wants us to recognize that his presence with us is what qualifies us.  Interestingly, the way God also equip Moses was by giving Moses signs to show God was with him, confirming 'the qualification of God's presence'.  Additionally, he gave him support for the weakness of his speech but only after God's anger first 'burned against him' when Moses asked God to 'please send someone else'.  If God's asked us to do something, we probably don't want to ask him to send someone else...

"My family's issues are too weighty and needy for me to ever truly succeed at anything outside the home."

What is success?  Do I have a scriptural view of success?  What does God want me to achieve outside the home?  He wants me to be a light in the world and show his love, and I am already in places where that can be the case, such as school and pottery class, the gym, bible study.  Sure, I would like to work as a Naturopath when my study is completed and practice as a Midwife again and earn a living- that is mainly what I am alluding to... "is anything too difficult for the Lord?".  If that is his purpose for me, he will fulfill it... he will enable me...he will provide for my needs according to his riches in Glory- that includes my family".  There is a season for everything.  Am I accepting my current season or am I being impatient for the next?

These negative thoughts I wrestle down with the truth embedded in Gods word.  I am asking God for wisdom for specific thought patterns- 'how do I bring these thoughts into alignment with the knowledge of you God?'

Do you have any particular truths that help you wrestle down your rebel thoughts?


  1. A great post Naomi. I love how you have used scripture throughout your post to remind your readers that nothing can be accomplished without God. It can be easy to look back and think "where and how has God used me". Even I have wondered how he has prepared me to step into the calling on my life. But just like you said, God will raise us up to achieve the task we need to.

    In this particular season I am moving in to God has reminded me in Ephesians 3:20-21 that, “God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” (The Message)

    God bless.

  2. An awesome truth, Leah, that God can do anything in and through us. It's so enlivening that it's about him. And he will do amazing things in and through you! I love how the Message translation words that verse, especially that he doesn't push us around, but works gently.


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