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Enduring strength

"He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless" Isaiah 40 v 29 NLT.

I read this verse this morning and saw it in a totally different light.  I used to mainly see this as talking about God's power to sustain us daily, that is, while we are experiencing particular weaknesses and struggles...(which I still agree he provides).

Power = Empowerment

He also gives us empowerment- and I saw this as a type of 'deliverance'- lasting changes in our feeling of power and strength through changes in us and our circumstances and situation.

This is the concrete lifting of us from a weakened or powerless state in any number of areas and promoting us to a more enabled position.

The following are some examples of the many kinds of empowerment that I could think of...

The ability to create change
The ability to influence
The ability to be heard- having 'a voice'
The ability to sustain a healthy relationship
Emotional happiness and stability
Financial leverage, provisions to use to change circumstances of self or others
Influence- friends in high places, just influence full stop.
A good name
Seeing justice when wronged or accussed
Having friends who come alongside and understand, support
New motivation, a fresh reason to get out of bed in the morning

Yes, it is scriptural for some weaknesses to be 'left' so to speak in God's sovereignty- such as Paul's 'thorn in the flesh' (2 Cor 12:7).  It was only after a good deal of wrestling and hearing a definite 'no' from the voice of God himself three times that Paul came to the conclusion he did.  It's not A SIGNAL FIRE  for us to take every weakness and put it in that category! And it doesn't mean if God CLEARLY TELLS US by his voice personally that he intends to leave a certain weakness there for a time that he intends to leave us mired in all the other weaknesses in our lives.  A resounding NO!!  He does not intend to keep us in a weakened state as the 'normal Christian life', just feeding us just enough to get by, so that we are almost dead, but not quite.  And in Paul's case, God informed him that even in weakness remaining, Gods strength would be simultaneously present to provide for him.  God's strength is made perfect in weakness, so we can experience Gods power 'more than' making up for our lack and shortfall.

New strength

"But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength"...Is 40:31

When you receive your strength and power, in whatever form it comes- it's a new strength- a strength you haven't known before, a different strength.  Don't look back wishing for the strength you had in the 'good old days' because the new strength is better...

"They will soar high on wings like eagles"

(not just once and crashing in between)

"They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint"

(it's an enduring strength- sustained strength)

Sustained joy

"Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.  Speak tenderly to Jerusalem.  Tell her that her sad days are gone and her sins are pardoned" Is 40 v 1-2b, NLT

We suffer and we grieve.  There may be an illness of depression.  But generally speaking, God wants us to feel comforted, that with him and his salvation, our sad days are gone.  Our general expectation should be an outlook of bright days ahead- the best yet to come, and that sadness is an exception rather than the rule and not something that defines our life experience.  I have days that are difficult and a struggle to get through, but I want to put my hope in God's word where it says that my "sad days are gone" and that is to be my general expectation of my life in him.

We can have confidence, because no matter what happens in the natural, physical 'realm', we have supernatural joy and peace available through the Holy Spirit.  It is by connection with the Holy Spirit that these can flow (and there's books written on that topic!).


Ask for empowerment- to be given "power" of whatever kind God chooses, to rise higher out of weakness and areas of powerlessness.  Maybe you've just had a tough life or season of life and feel downtrodden, but God can both change circumstances, provide opportunities and supernatural joy to boot!


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