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The following poem was a personal reflection of both life's realities and faiths hope, particularly the power of Jesus Ressurection in us to give us a freshness and newness and freedom from our past.
I'm really feeling a theme of 'freshness' for this season from easter and ahead...

Ressurection Morning

Seasons come and seasons go
Its hard to keep up
With the ebb and flow
We try to prepare and take care
But I struggle, you know

Past seasons holding on
Can't seem to shake free
Things from the past holding me
Telling me I'm not free

Feel the freshness of the morning
A new day dawning
Crisp air
Birds singing
New beginnings
Hope is beckoning to me

He makes all things new
Ressurection morning
Bringing me hope
Strong and undefeatable
He makes me

Naomi Richardson

The following I wrote for children to make a connection with the sweetness of Jesus love and the sweetness of chocolate easter eggs.

Oh so sweet

Here's a chocolate, oh so sweet
Just for you, a treat to eat
When you taste the sweet choc taste
Remember one who took your place

Jesus love is as sweet as can be
He gave his life for you and me

Completely forgiven and dearly loved
We will taste the sweetness
of heaven above

Naomi Richardson


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