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Showing posts from October, 2017

The difference between faith and optimism

Faith is based on what God can do- it's not dependent on human experience- not based on human ability- not based on human qualifications. Optimism is based on the human ability to pull through, to have enough resources to make it through. It's based on experience of making it through enough to be pretty sure things tend to go well most of the time.  The old Aussie saying we know and love.."she'll be right, mate"...Optimism is hard to scrape up when your experiences have been full of disappointment in the resources of others and your own- failing- not measuring up- there not being enough- people not coming through- not being able to come through for others. Some people are very optimistic and positive and we may assume that equates with faith but not necessarily. Look for those with the gift of faith to share your dreams with!!!! Protect the dreams of your heart by sharing with those who will see with the eyes of faith.  Faith sees the calling of the Lord. 

Gods view on our past

How does God feel about our past as Christians? Sin is forgiven- we are not treated less than 'pure love's expression' flowing to us God is compassionate for our troubles we have been through. God's heart and plan is our restoration and healing from damages and losses we have suffered God delights to bless us God is delighted in our faithfulness to him despite what we have lost or gone through- your faith is of greater worth than gold...!!! This was impressed apon my heart recently the father's pleasure in my faithfulness especially "because of" the losses I had endured... Praise God! His thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways!!!

Don't be discouraged

Don't be afraid or discouraged because the Lord is with YOU!! Fear and discouragement are closely related. Discouragment is a lack of courage to face or cope with a certain challenge- it's a natural reaction to circumstances that push us beyond our personal resources. But God says, because we have him on our side, to refuse discouragment. Refuse to lose courage in the face of any challenge, because his strength is sufficient for us to succeed and be triumphant. I am refusing to to be discouraged about the challenges I face in my marriage at present, the fact there have been daily tensions. I am refusing to be discouraged because God has victory in store for the upright in Christ Jesus. Even if it seems a long wait, he has victory in store for me, for us. I choose to believe it.


There are different types of deliverance for which we praise God for the victory.  The deliverance from sin and darkness to salvation.  The deliverance from a specific situation, or sickness or oppression.  There is another type of oppression from which we need deliverance and the clue in in the line of the song, 'No longer slaves- Bethel music, u tube: ‘We have been liberated from our bondage to sin- let us sing our freedom’.  When we have been liberated from our bondage to sin- Paul says stand firm and do not let yourselves AGAIN be bonded with a YOKE OF SLAVERY!  He appeals to them, he urges them. “So Christ has truly set us free.  Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law” (Galatians 5:1) Freedom is a gift. We can use our freedom to serve one another in love..and try to not allow our freedom to serve our sinful nature… We might have a tendancy to allow ourselves to take on a yoke others set upon us.  Maybe we pick up a heavy yo