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Showing posts from August, 2017


This morning I was praying about things bothering me within my family that morning. After a while I felt God whisper to my heart- focus on what you are thankful for... My heart was in a bind and I thought...that sounds difficult or impossible. I can't think of anything right now. I actually prayed God help me think of something. And my mind went first to something a friend had said to me who struggled greatly with a husband not supportive of her faith- you are lucky your husband is a Christian. And then my mind went to where I might have ended up if God hadn't saved me and intervened in my life at the time he did.  I thought there was a good chance the way I was headed I may have ended up a drug addict, in a physically abusive marriage, and have lost my children to foster homes. And then I thought, I have my children.  I get to care for them- give them meals, clothe them, help them, reassure them when they are hurt or sick.  I get to know how they are going each day.

My cup overflows

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.  You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows" Psalm 23 v 5 Have you ever thought about the type of blessing an 'overflowing cup' is? It was one day that I was thinking how full on life was, so busy, so hectic, so many things to manage; thinking about how I seemed to have more in life than I could handle... And the verse came to mind...'my cup overflows'.  REFRAME.  I was thinking about having 'too much' being a negative thing but the imagery of an overflowing cup suddenly made me realize God's generous blessing will look like that at times... Messy More than we can contain Inconvenient Can you imagine being at a restaurant and the waiter is pouring your wine (or grape juice if you prefer!) and he just keeps on pouring and pouring into your glass.  It is overflowing.  You are looking at him saying stop!  stop!  What are you doing?!  He just keeps smiling

Rebel thoughts

Rebel thoughts are thoughts that set themselves up against the knowledge of God.  We don't want them but sometimes we accept them as innocent unknowingly.  These thoughts can be sneaky so we need to identify them to be able to take them down.  When I say take down, I mean wrestle down to the ground in submission...demolish... "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" 2 Corinthians 10 v 5 What is the knowledge we have of God? His attributes His character His promises All God is for me in Christ Jesus. Which of my thoughts are setting themselves up against the knowledge of God?  The devil will be encouraging these thoughts.  The fruit of such thoughts will be the opposite of what God gives; joy, peace, hope.  So what thoughts are causing depression, anxiety/restlessness and hopelessness? These are some of my recent rebel thoughts and how I'